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The events organized are intended to created opportunities for folks from the region to share in the same interests of Swing music, Vintage Swing dancing, and vintage collecting.   These can be brought back home to their local community to foster growth and development of each participant and their local community.   We have created three annual events for the Inland Empire that focus on different aspects of social dancing withing the Vintage Swing Dances and follow the academic calendar.

Start Your Learning Here...


A weekend of Lindy Hop.  As one of the dances created in Harlem, we support its perpetualtion by studying from dancers who have trained with the original dancers from the SWING Era.  We also look at other dances created in the same era in different regions like the Balboa, Collegiate Shag, and Authentic Jazz steps.


As a nod to Octoberfest and an avenue to level up your dancing, SWINGtoberfest is Spokane's premier Vintage Swing Dancing Workshop. Included are intensive workshops taught by renown instructors who are leaders in the dance.  Topics covered range from specific partnering skills to dancing figures and patterns. 


In contrast to the Swing Festival, the focus shifts from the music itself to the way it can be appreciated.  Dancers, with a variety of skillsets, come to learn from instructors who can help address their continued development by presenting challenging material for students to take home to their local dance communities and share.


Though instruction is a major focus, music and social dancing play a significant part in the progression of the weekend.  The weekend kicks off Friday with an evening dance that lasts well into the night.  Saturday evening, after classes, a meal, and hopefully some rest, participants dance the night away to live music.   


As an added bonus, contests are included in the event. Developing social dancers is the primary goal of this event, so Jack & Jills will always be a part.


Twinkle Toes Weekend

An Elective Workshop at the Beginning of February to expand Vitnage Swing dancing vocabulary focusing on the rich rhythms that can be included in your dancing.  This weekend also includes the study of Tap dancing as it is closely associated with Vitnage Swing Dances.


This event also occurs in Winter to further develop dancing abilty, vocabulary, and expanding/diversifying dancers knowledge set


Follow Focus Weekend- Elective Swing Weekend


Lady Be Good Weekend

An alternate of Swinging the Blues Weekend.  This weekend is dedicated to the role of the follow.  It is to develop partnership skills and expand or further develop the definition of a follow.


This event also occurs in Winter to further develop dancing abilty, vocabulary, and expanding/diversifying dancers knowledge set. 


Swinging the Blues Weekend- Elective Swing Weekend

A weekend of Blues dancing.  With roots dating back over a century, we invite instructors who are knowledgable in the history and a breadth of dances.  We study both the origins and the progression of the dance and music.


This event occurs in the Winter, as a way to further develop dancing abilty, vocabulary, and expanding/diversifying dancers knowledge set.  


Spokane Vintage Swing Festival

This weekend departs from the previous events by not including instruction or competitions.  The purpose is to gather dancers in the region by creating a weekend decicated soley to the appreciation of Traditional Jazz.  This event is auspiciously calendared in April, as it is National Jazz Appreciation Month.


Spokane Vintage Swing Festival is a three-day long event of musical performances of swing music from the Jazz, Big Band, and Post WW II eras played by bands from the Spokane area and across the nation.  These performances will occur in venues throughout Spokane and promote music appreciation as well as dance.  For 2015, we will be expanding our schedule to encourage participation from the greater Spokane population in a variety of platforms.


The Spokane Vintage Swing Festival began in 2012.  It was created for multiple reasons. First, it was to direct the many regional Vintage Swing dancers (Lindy Hoppers) to a grand experience to gather and share in a common interest using the "Lindy Exchange" model.  Secondly, to showcase local and regional musicians who dedicate their lives to the study and exhibition of this great music as well as the beautiful and historic venues created for gathering and dancing.


We are reaching out and upward.  We are looking to add context to the music and reach out to nondancers to come and appreciate the fantastic quality of musicianship that exisits in this region.


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 SPOKANE, WA                                                                                                 

Swing it Like a Gate

Lindy Hop making Spokane a Lindy Town
Lindy Hop making Spokane a Lindy Town
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